What is the Right to Disconnect?

The Right to Disconnect Bill, is trying to give employees the right to not respond to employers’ calls, texts or emails after office hours. The idea is to help reduce work-related stress and strive for a better work-life balance. After being in the workplace for eight hours or more, it might be very stressful for a person to respond to office-related calls after work. But not everyone has the liberty to ignore a boss’ call because we are home and need to focus on family, right? This Bill will give you the right to ignore your boss (after work!). To help employees enjoy a better work-life balance and reduce stress, NCP MP Supriya Sule had recently introduced the Right to Disconnect Bill 2018, in the Lok Sabha. This Bill if passed in Lok Sabha, gives employees the right to not respond to calls or any kind of communications from the employers after office hours. The Bill which was introduced on December 28, requires the setting up of an Employee Welfare Authority, which will pu...