Deep State within India...

Let me explain Deep State of which I am more than convinced and so are many others I know of. It is not fitment of my imagination. I am not paranoid and neither am I dreaming of it in my sleep... The Deep State exists and we must know it. "Deep State" for sure will not advertise in newspapers or on tv channels. You have to discern it.

Let me explain.  I talked of Judges+  Bureacrats+  Media owners+  Europe/ US/ Pak/ China being part of the deep state.
Let me start with the judges. What do you think was the purpose of SC judges press conf ( org by a journalist) and then CJI  impeachment noises by left and Cong?
Why? To desist them from taking up Babri Masjid land case. Sibbal as much had earlier requested the bench to postpone it until next yr elections. And then Raffael judgment pronounced only after the state assy elections were too much of a coincidence. Was it a coincidence that judgment on Sajjan Kumar delivered only after the election results. Or was it?
Why was it not pronounced earlier?
Why was this PIL of Prashant Bhusan accepted in the first place being an executive function?
Why judges till date have not permitted the arrest of Chidambaram and Teesta Sheetalwad?

That was about bit of contribution of judges in matters of Deep State. Half a dozen and more bureaucrats have leaked files related to sensitive topics and given off the record statements.

CBI mess was just a coincidence? Was it?
A serving Lt Gen visited the US a yr ago and was asked by a Sr. US official as to why Rahul Gandhi is not accepted by Indians as future PM. He is a good man, he had said.
Vatican wrote a letter to Bishops against voting for BJP so to spk.
RBI Governors have been talking against govt on issues which were undesirable. They spk out of conviction? Unlikely.
Media highlights only what is against the govt and armed forces. " seven civilians killed by the army", all tv channels and print media stated.
Ten months old baby youngest casualty of pellets?
Why was a baby there in first place? Remember?
Not a word on how and why? Pak and China helping Cong in many ways. Is there a doubt on it?

This is Deep State. Let us not be blind to reality and create our own reality.


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