What is the Right to Disconnect?

The Right to Disconnect Bill, is trying to give employees the right to not respond to employers’ calls, texts or emails after office hours.

The idea is to help reduce work-related stress and strive for a better work-life balance. After being in the workplace for eight hours or more, it might be very stressful for a person to respond to office-related calls after work.

But not everyone has the liberty to ignore a boss’ call because we are home and need to focus on family, right? This Bill will give you the right to ignore your boss (after work!). To help employees enjoy a better work-life balance and reduce stress, NCP MP Supriya Sule had recently introduced the Right to Disconnect Bill 2018, in the Lok Sabha.

This Bill if passed in Lok Sabha, gives employees the right to not respond to calls or any kind of communications from the employers after office hours. The Bill which was introduced on December 28, requires the setting up of an Employee Welfare Authority, which will publish reports related to the impact employees have from prolonged use of digital tools beyond office hours and it will also create a charter defining employee-employer negotiation.

According to the Bill, “Companies with more than 10 employees would publish their own directives after having periodic negotiations for specific terms with their workers and create an Employee Welfare Committee consisting of representatives of the company’s workforce.

According to experts, work-related stress can often lead to a lot of physical and mental ailments including depression, which might go undiagnosed. We are no strangers to the stress we face due to long hours of work beyond office hours. As a result of which, a person might face a lot of problem in his professional and personal life as well.

Globally many countries already following Right to Disconnect;

  • France was the trendsetter when it comes to these policies — employees have had the right to disconnect since 2017 in companies with more than 50 employees. The country’s minister of labour said the aim was to re-build the boundary between professional and personal life.
  • In Spain, regardless of the number of employees, all companies must create the right to disconnect policies. New York is also mulling over such a bill
  • These out-of-work correspondences don’t just apply to the workday, but also to holidays. German car and truck maker Daimler made the bold step of introducing software that automatically deletes any emails you get while on vacation, back in 2014.


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