Elections from Youngsters point

The state machinery and politicians may be bracing up for the May 7 parliamentary elections, but for the city youngsters better educational, economic and physical infrastructure are the issues that concerns them. Although a majority of them showed cynical indifference to the hoopla surrounding electioneering, jobs, safety and security were their main worries. Corruption in politics came to the fore as an issue for the young where the most cynical respondents agreed in unison. “Are our netas listening?” asked a youngster. 

    “I am not interested in elections where tax payers’ money is spent to elect rowdy representatives as law makers,” said Amrin Jabin, a young entrepreneur. She added that no political party seems to be interested in the country’s welfare. “But as a citizen I would vote for the one who would at least do something for women’s emancipation,” said Jabin. 

    Neha, a fashion design student is not interested in knowing what the entire political process stands for. She said, “I 
am only interested in securing a good rank in my next level exams and finding a suitable job for myself. We have been electing governments for over six decades. Whatever we have achieved in different fields has not been because of the political class.” 
    Neha added that if she votes she would do so for the candidate who is serious about creating educational infrastructure in the state. 

    Shubhankar, an engineering student in a city college has different reasons for being indifferent to the Lok Sabha elections. He firmly believes that lack of good people in politics leads to unfortunate incidents like ‘shoe gate’ and ‘slipper gate’ — people hurling shoes and chappals at leaders. “See the politicization of criminals, and they become our law 
makers. I don’t want to spare a minute for all this drama,” he added. 

    B L Sharma an expert in the field calls it a temporary aberration. “But the politicians need to pull up their socks and mend their ways, otherwise the GenNext will teach them a lesson. They need to watch their private and public behaviour, come up with inclusive plans and vision for the new generation.”

Article from Times Of India


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