Campaigns make no difference for Voters.

The final date of Elections is completed and there is no more chance for the voters to vote for the General Election - 2009.

ElectionCommission has announced officially, the overall turnout for this election which is just 57%. To be prescribed its just 56.7%.

Despite the high campaigns, our country witnessed a very low turnout.

With campaigns like Jaago Re - One Billion Votes; running down for more than 8 months, Lead India from Times Group, Shut Up and Vote; which are  constantly spreading the awarenes for the right to vote. 

Online promoters like , are engaging lots of Tech Savies.

Very recently Karan Johar Production and Bollywood Stars like Imran Khan, Ritesh Deshmukh, Farhan Akthar, Ranbir Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor, Karena Kapoor, Sonam Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra etc....... joined hands together and made a short commercial for attracting the people to vote. This video was telecasted every now and then to promote Elections and urge the people to turnout in masses and Vote.



Some Facts about this Election,
  • There were 8.35 Lakh polling stations.
  • 8.34 Booth level Officers.
  • 119 special trains for CRPF transportaion.
  • 55 chopperes were deployed and carried 600 sorties.
  • 47 Lakh polling staff.
  • 47 Lakh security staff were deployed.
  • 8,070 candidates contested Election.
And mere 57% is the voter turnout, which is only 40.5 Crore.

It is really a shame for all of them who didnt vote. How can one question the government without doing his duty. Everybody knows the fact that even a single vote can affect the results of the Election, inspite of this if there is a huge number of people sitting at home, then we are really missing a chance for the development.

The Government of India strived hard to accomplish this Election and also succeded. But the non voters failed to elect a responsible and deserving Government which the only thing our country needs at this time.


  1. good data collection,i really thought after the jaago re campaignand various youth based campaign there would be huge turnout but it didn't.

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