Astrological results of Election - 2009

Recently I received an article in mail from one of my friend; published by The Times OF India. Article source can be validated by this link.

Im posting my views relevant to this article below. ( Its a personal opinion and does not intend to change or hurt anybody's view )

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     A rare change of position by Jupiter, which stargazers say happens once in 30 years, is likely to have a mixed effect on India. Astrologers predict good times for Indian economy, but also warn against political turbulence in the days ahead.If they are to be believed, the new government formed after May 16 will not last for more than 18 months, with strong indications of another election in late 2010 or early 2011. 

    “No party will be able to form a government. I see a third front forming a government with either Congress or BJP support and a dark horse from India’s eastern part becoming the PM,’’ said Ashok Vasudeva of Astromatics magazine. ‘Singh, Advani don’t have ‘raj yog’ to be PM’ 

    Astrologers are blaming a rare celestial occurrence for their pessimistic political predictions. 

    Usually, Jupiter moves from one zodiac to another after 13 months, but this time changed places within five months and is likely to go back to Capricorn after two months. “Jupiter is a very strong planet, but its effect is weak when it is in Capricorn. But it has good long-term results when it is in Aquarius. But the planet will retrograde after two-and-a-half months and go back to Capricorn. This means the government formed after May 16 will start facing trouble August onwards and the instability will continue. It will result in re-election,” says Mukesh Jain, a Delhi astrologer. 

    Astrologers say neither Manmohan Singh nor L K Advani have the “raj yog” to become PM in the next government. “Singh’s sade satti (seven-anda-half cycle of Saturn) will end on September 10 this year. He is one of the few who prosper during sade satti. With this being the last, he’s enjoyed three sade sattis. He doesn’t have a chance of being PM again. Advani doesn’t have a strong horoscope and can never be PM,” says jyotishacharya Ashok Vasudev. 

    Indian politics is going through a rough phase and it will continue till next year. But women are likely to play a major role. “May is governed by Venus and women are going to play the role of kingmakers. Mayawati, Sonia Gandhi, Jayalalithaa and Mamata Banerjee will play a key role. The effect of Jupiter will weaken when it retrogrades and political disturbances will start then,” says Prof Viveik Choppra, an expert in astro-vastu science. 

    Some politicians are destined to play a crucial role in future. “This change in Jupiter’s position has made Pranab Mukherjee’s sign even stronger. He is in the best phase and will play a decisive role. 2012 will see the rise of Gujarat CM Narendra Modi and he will be unstoppable,” says Naveen Khanna, a political astrologer. 

    Some astrologers feel this instability in Indian politics will result in major changes in the constitution of India. “The regional forces will die after the fall of the government, some time in June 2010. The new government formed after the re-election will be stable,” Vasudev predicts. 

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    I really dont understand why these Astrologers want to do such kind of predictions, which will provocate the superstitious crowd to act according to their predictions or atleast consider the results of their prediction. The contesting political parties have already decided who they want to be the Prime Minister (PM) and even many people of India are satisfied with the decision and already registered their votes for the particular candidate of their desired political parties. If the party decides to change the PM candidate and chooses some one new, then What is the respect for the voters decision?

   With this prediction before the completion of the final phase of the election or rather the last day of the poll (May 13) may force the responsible but superstitious citizens to think before they vote for their projected PM and cahnge the decision in order to avoid the re - election by 2011. This ironical situation may lead them to ripend later for the Government formed. 

   Some egoist politicians may challenge this prediction and convince the party members to choose them as PM (if that party wins). But ultimately with this actions whole country gets affected and the people reluctantly wait for the next elections. 

   Im just worried because still many people believe in these things including the politicians. For Example; The AIADMK supremo Ms Jayalalitha refused tickets to her party members considering their horoscope predictions. I hope this article should not have a big impact on this Elections and the new Government should complete its tenure of five years without any hurdles.


  1. I have never been into a political blog before. But i got stuck into this one the moment i laid my eyes. And i completely agree with the point u have made here. Waiting for more from you bro... Regards.

  2. Thanks Arindam, Im glad that you liked my blog. Its only people like u who encoureages me to write. Keep visiting.

  3. I agree with you...astrology is good in a sense when it comes to predict individual's fate but something as big as election results shouldn't be affected by astrology. Times of India or any other media shouldn't entertain such articles...what say????

  4. Exactly Nethra even I oppose thats why posted my views along with the article. Keep visiting.

  5. I'm not sure if astrology will help the policians make an educated guess about who will win the elections. From the article, it appears that our leaders are using it as a tool to eliminate certain members out of their parties. Astrologers in the meantime, have found a new way to make business and are striking while the iron is hot.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  6. I'm not sure if astrology will help the policians make an educated guess about who will win the elections. From the article, it appears that our leaders are using it as a tool to eliminate certain members out of their parties. Astrologers in the meantime, have found a new way to make business and are striking while the iron is hot.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  7. hmm What do you think can happen now that DMK has announced it will pull out of the government?

  8. i like this post most plz friends must read this post....thanx alot friends..

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


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